We need food to survive, it’s one of life’s undeniable facts. But what kind? Well, according to the food pyramid, there’s a few different sections to look at, but can any of the foods offered in that chart be replaced with something better? Healthier? More fulfilling? Yes, absolutely, and here are a few of those substitutes.
Beef for Turkey or Chicken.
Red meat is not only harsh on your body but the environment, too. Consuming red meat can be a contributing factor in medical conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and certain cancers. The production of beef gives off 11 times more greenhouse gases than staple plant-based foods. Turkey is usually lower in saturated fat while chicken is better for your cardiovascular health.
Sugar for Vanilla, Dates or Cinnamon.
Vanilla is not heavily processed or refined. Cinnamon has zero calories and dates contain about 7 grams of fiber along with potassium, magnesium and copper. Sugar is great every now and then but these natural sweeteners are always ok to enjoy.
Iceberg Lettuce for Spinach, Kale and Arugula.
Iceberg lettuce isn't horrible for you, but spinach kale and arugula contain more nutrients overall. Though iceberg is great for hydration, especially on those hot summer days, you’ll find yourself a bit happier with your choices with these simple swaps.
Sour Cream for Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is lower in calories, higher in protein and overall, an interesting substitute. Try this switch in baking, baked potatoes or even as a salad topping!
These are easy, everyday substitutes that we can make to cut out processed, overly refined foods. When we consume foods that are more natural or overall healthier, it can give us more energy, help us sleep and think better!