So you’ve decided to become a life coach, congratulations, you’re going to help a lot of people on this path. You may have had others try to deter you but you’re sticking to your guns because you know something that others might not. What is that? That people want and sometimes need a helping hand in their day to day, a life coach. People want life coaches, but what kind? Life coaching isn’t just “life coaching,” there’s niches that you can attach yourself to make your coaching business more attractive to certain clients, clients you’d prefer to work with.
There’s different niches that you can explore on your journey to make your life coaching business not only profitable but appealing to the clients you want on your roster. On top of that, having a niche means you’re able to cater to your clients with more ease. So what are your options when it comes to exploring a niche? Well we could name at least 100 but we’re going to whittle this list down to some of the most popular.
Career Coaching: People are always going to be working and there’s a multitude of ways to be a career coach and even more people who could use one—new graduates, people who are reentering the workforce, new veterans, people changing careers, changing job titles and way more. These people are often making massive jumps to the next stage of their life and would appreciate having some sort of guidance and encouraging words. As a career coach, you’ll be finding yourself becoming a sort of safety net for their ideas and a sounding board to bounce ideas off of. A career is a very important thing to handle.
Health Coaching: Our bodies are the only ones we have and we have to take care of them as much as possible. Some people are naturally inclined to work out or choose healthy meal options while others may not even have those same options. Going on a journey of health can seem daunting, especially if you hadn’t considered it before. Especially if your client finds that they have no choice because of reasons stemming from a doctor's visit. When a client reaches out to find a health coach, they’re often looking to switch up their nutrition, workout routine and way of life overall. It helps if you also lead a healthy life. A health coach can be a motivating force during a difficult time.
Financial Coaching: You’ve heard the quote “money makes the world go around” or even “cash rules everything around me.” These can seem true when you’re in a dire financial situation—massive amounts of debt, not making enough or an inability to spend responsibly. Maybe even, on a more positive note, someone who’s saving for something like a vacation or home. If you’re great at budgeting or even have some sort of banking background, this could be an incredibly helpful niche to decide to work in.
Nutrition Coaching: While this may seem similar to health coaching, nutrition coaching is even more niche. How so? With health coaching you’re also looking at workouts and other ways of life. But with nutrition coaching, you may not always be looking towards just eating healthier. There are multiple diets that people choose for different lifestyles, a popular diet that people take on is the Mediterranean diet. This diet is considered one of the best in the world, as evidenced by the Mediterranean people. They often live longer than other people in the world and subsist on a diet of fish oils. In very good, not refined grains. Other diets include— the vegan diet, the keto diet, the pescatarian, diet, and many more. If you have a background in nutritional health, or even cooking, a client may find you beneficial if you can help them find recipes to put into their routine or even new ways to bring in those nutritional substitutes versus what they’re used to choosing.
Stress Coaching: Life is full of stress, it’s inevitable. We will get stressed by any and everything from home to work, and sometimes even our social lives. As a stress coach, helping a client manage those stresses to the point where it’s not affecting their health or day-to-day life is very important. You may find yourself working with them on a schedule, working with them to figure out ways to cut out stressors, and to decide what’s important and many other things.
Family Coaching: Family coaching can seem a bit confusing because how do you help people with their family? Well, it’s a little more simple than you think with family coaching. You can help people become their ideal version of a parent. You can also help people who are working to start their own family maybe they want some tips and tricks maybe they want to be able to fit family into their lifestyle maybe they are so bogged down with Work that they can’t find time to take care of the family they have they want to cut out the middleman—Nannie’s, housekeepers and more. This could especially be great for people who want to adopt or foster kids, especially if those kids are older kids. Family coaching isn’t just about becoming a parent because there are a lot of ways to be a family. A great example is someone who wants to adopt an older kid because they believe they could be a great older sibling or mentor. It’s hard for people to age out of the foster system, as they usually don’t have any family to turn to or any type of safety net. Families are not just parent and child.
Mid-life Coaching: We have all heard of the midlife crisis. It happens between the ages of 40 and 60 usually after years of being in the workforce, a family being started, or reaching retirement age. But what if you could help someone through their midlife crisis? When we see midlife crises being depicted in the media we see a 50 year old man suddenly buy a sports car, a person leaving their family or quitting a job that they no longer want. No, you won’t be encouraging people to give up the things they work hard for, but you can help them find new, inventive, and healthy ways to channel all of that energy. What are ways to channel the energy of a midlife crisis? Picking up a new hobby is a huge one, you can also help people find things to do to fill that void, something they maybe they never considered doing before that doesn’t make them later regret their life choices. A midlife coach is something we are sure most people wish they had when they hit that wall in their life.
Retirement Coaching: Speaking of a mid life crisis, one huge way your client may be going through a midlife crisis is because of a retirement. In today’s society if you get to retire, you’re lucky. But we are often forced into the workplace sometimes younger than 18 and we do it for decades. So what do we do with our time after that? That’s if we are lucky enough to have a pension that takes care of our basic needs so we don’t have to continue working. As a retirement coach, you can help facilitate their sudden ample free time to do things. Another type of retirement that can be overlooked is the military retirement usually when people join the military they are fresh out of high school or maybe even their early 20s people in the military will find themselves committing 20 years that’s all you need to retire with a good pension. In today’s world where the cost-of-living is rising, that pension may not be enough to do more than just live some of those veterans will have to continue working for another 20 years until they are 65 or even longer helping them cope with that reality is a big deal and helping them transition into the civilian sector is incredibly helpful.
Spiritual Coaching: Most people know what religion is—whether we practice it, have observed it, or simply know of its existence. Whether your client was raised in a certain religion or they’re looking to find a spiritual meaning in life, spiritual coaching can go a long way. There are different spiritual practices to look into and there are different religions to study. An interesting aspect of spiritual coaching is that you could pick a spirituality to make your niche. A niche inside of a niche, if you will. One that we may see commonly is through yoga or Buddhism, but there are a lot to look into. Go with one that piques your interest and that you yourself have faith in that will draw your clients to you.
Pet Training Coaching: This one will require a good amount of skill and a love for pets, especially dogs. Pet training may seem simple especially if the pet is easy-going, smart and loves to learn. Some breeds definitely fall into that category. Others don’t. Also, people can adopt pets that have come from terrible places which makes it harder for people to train them. Think of this as a Cesar Milan type deal— a pet whisperer. Brush up on your pet training skills and implement a system that you find to be bulletproof. The more you work on training pets to be somewhat model citizens, the Work will speak for itself. We wouldn’t be surprised if you started to receive your clients word of mouth.
Would you believe there’s even more niches that you can choose to take on as a life coach? The possibilities are endless and there are always new people to help. You can take on one of these niches or maybe even two. Definitely lean into what you’re good at, what you enjoy and what you may have a background in.